Thursday, January 29, 2009

week 2

Assignment : Select 25 high resolution pictures from Abraham Lincoln's era and 25 self-taken high resolution pictures from the modern era.

To select the 25 pictures from Abraham Lincoln's era, I went to and in the search bar looked up "Lincoln era", or "1860's". In order to get these pictures in high resolution it was necessary to search for large or extra large images. The second part of the assignment was to select 25 self-taken high resolution pictures from the moder era. For this part of the assignment I simply looked through my pictures saved on my home computer. The rest of the pictures from the modern era I went around campus and took pictures with my digital camera. After saving the 50 pictures on my jump-drive, in class I uploaded them onto the computer and then uploaded them into the Light Room (Lr) program. Using these pictures i made two contact sheets. One sheet had the 25 pictures from Lincoln's era, while the other sheet contained the 25 modern era pictures. I made two copies of the sheets, one for myself for reference and one for the professor.

I chose this picture as my favorite from the Lincoln's era because it stood out from the rest of his pictures. I also like the antique chair he is sitting on. The furniture adds more character to the picture.

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