Monday, March 23, 2009

week 7

Assignment: To work with a partner and come up with a story that follows the parameters given to us which include...

1) 1 person traveling
2) 1 person waiting
3) The person traveling has a package for the person waiting

Craft: I didn't have a partner until after spring break, so during class when others were presenting their ideas, my new partner and I came up with our story.

Concept: We will take pictures and work with our partner to be able to bring our story to life through a comic.

Composition: Once the pictures are taken, we will use photoshop to edit them as well as add anything extra that we feel helps enhance the story.

week 8

Assignment: To take pictures for our comic; enough for 9-12 frames

Craft: Using both my partner and I's digital cameras

Concept: Using 9-12 frames, we are trying to be able to tell our story with as little dialog as possible.

Compostion: The pictures I took were related to the backgrounds for some frames as well as images that we are going to add to certain frames.

week 9

Assignment: To work on our comics

Craft: By using pictures our group has taken, use photoshop to edit and enhance the photos to be able to tell our story

Concept: Use 9-12 frames to be able to tell our story

Composition: I went around the city of Chicago to find the perfect pictures that we needed for the frames. After finding the pictures we also needed to mash up a few pictures to truly get the meaning across to our audience.

lipstick and dynamite

Craft: (How it was made)

This movie was made with the use of a video camera. Many old clips of the wrestlers and interviews and old photographers were mashed together to form this video. Also new interviews with the wrestlers were added to show how they are doing.

Composition: (Arrangement of Elements)

In the beginning of the film, one of the woman wrestlers was introduced through a game show. The game show was about choosing which individual was the real person. So three people stand on a stage. 2 males, 1 woman. Now the audience has to chose which of the three people is the real professional wrestler. The woman was the real one. In order to introduce and strengthen the directors points of views about the wrestlers, each woman wrestler is introduced through an interview. Along with the interviews are clips of old films of the wrestlers. This film shows us the how the woman started woman wrestling and how they are doing now. Many photographs and small clips are included in this film.

Concept: (What is trying to be said?)

I believe this film was intended to show the public how much sacrifice and work these women put into women wrestling. Many people harassed them and neglected their perseverance. Through it all, these women became famous and accomplished a lot. Women were not seen as equals when their struggle originated, but against all odds these women wrestlers continued to do what they felt was just. These women weren't even paid at times, they were forced to sleep with their bosses and managers. It was very hard to convince society then that women too could do what men did.